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 Promotion of Environmental Education Support for Capacity Building and Research

Education and training of technical person in developing countries is one main approach to help developing countries to manage chemical and waste in environmentally sound way. In order to achieve this goal, UNIDO together with BCRC China and Tsinghua University cooperate to initiate a MSc or PhD courses internship which select distinguished eligible students to study in Tsinghua University and implement the knowledge on chemical and waste upon their return.

The aim of the project is to promote management level of developing countries on waste reduction, recycling, and environmentally sound disposal, and regulate the development of waste treatment and disposal industries; to support the environmental education and capacity building for the developing countries to maximize involvement in environmental technology transfer. Students will be jointly supported by UNIDO and the BCRC China to establish a competent core of professionals that would be capable to follow the MSc and PhD courses and implement the knowledge on chemical and waste upon their return.

A Sudanese student funded by the project has started his master study and life in Tsinghua University at present.

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