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Measuring Sustainability of Critical Metals in China’s Photovoltaic Industry

Release time:2022-06-26

The author:BCRC China

Project nameMeasuring Sustainability of Critical Metals in China’s Photovoltaic Industry

Project duration15/11/2021 to 14 /11/2022

Project Introduction:

1) Complete solar PV (Photovoltaic) data collection, and Forecasting Current and Future PV Industry: Build and test scenarios and forecast the future PV use.

2) Complete Accounting Critical Metals for PV Industry:  Collect data on material contents and amounts of PV in China forming a database;  clarify the metal contents in PV including distribution and quantity;  estimate current and future waste PV generation;  reveal the development prospects of the photovoltaic industry in the future.

3Complete Scenario Analysis for Supplying PV Industry:  Review PV industry from upstream, to downstream;  build the base for material flow analysis;  map the destinations of metals;  identify weak points of the system;  examine supplying potentials for secondary materials;  find the most critical metals.

4Complete Nexus of PV industry and Critical Metal Supply: Evaluate supply risks and vulnerability assessment of critical metals; provide and discuss technology and policy path.