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The Global Youth-led Movement Against the Plastic Crisis

Release time:2023-05-09

The author:BCRC China

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Badge was supported and funded by the UK Government’s Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, Norway and the Global Environment Facility, which is being developed as part of UNEP's Clean Seas Campaign to educate young people about plastic pollution and to encourage them to play a part in resolving pressing environmental issues. Since 2019, the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Badge has educated over 580,000 youth in 40 countries on marine plastic pollution–making it one of the largest youth movements in plastics in the world. This launch event will kick-start the next phase of the Tide Turners, funded by the government of the United Kingdom. The event will outline the vision for this phase of the project, launch the findings of an exciting new publication on meaningful youth engagement, and connect the dots with negotiations on the Global Plastics Treaty.