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The National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship

Release time:2023-07-05

The author:BCRC China

The National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship
The National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship (NSES) provides recommendations on steps the federal government, businesses, and all Americans can take toward achieving the goals identified in Executive Order 13693, “Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.”
The NSES results from collaboration among 16 federal departments and agencies, collectively known as the Interagency Task Force on Electronics Stewardship, as well as consultation with stakeholders from the electronics, retail, and recycling industries; environmental organizations; state and local governments; and concerned citizens. It has the following goals:
1. Build incentives for design of environmentally preferable electronics and enhance science, research, and technology development in the United States.
2. Ensure that the federal government leads by example.
3. Increase safe and effective management and handling of used electronics in the United States.
4. Reduce harm from U.S. exports of electronics waste (e-waste) and improve handling of used electronics in developing countries.