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The 4th Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control of Industrial Solid and Hazardous Waste & Contaminated Site





In China's comprehensive promotion of the pilot construction of "zero-waste cities" and the construction of a "green, low-carbon, and circular economic development system", exploring the Eco-industrial Development (EID) model from the level of Industrial Enterprises(Group), Parks (Bases) and Cities (Regions) is a way to strive the coordinated implementation of "carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth". The symposium aims to provide a platform for technical exchange and academic discussion, promote and stimulate the collaborative innovation of " production,education, research and application", and vigorously promote the theoretical exploration, key technology research and application practice of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) in the whole life cycle production process, solid and hazardous waste , and management and control of contaminated sites , and is committed to building a market-oriented green technology innovation system and production system, and explore the establishment of a collaborative efficiency innovation mode of green, low-carbon, circular economic, as well as the construction of demonstration cases.

Branch Session convenor profile

  • Bing QIN Senior Engineer (Professor level)

    Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing

    Bing QIN, a professor of engineering and PhD supervisor, visiting scholar at Case Western Reserve University in the United States and a senior expert at SINOPEC. She serves as a 22nd committee member of SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference and Deputy Director of the Chinese Petroleum Society Petroleum Environmental Protection Division. Her main research areas include the R&D of green petrochemical and materials, refinery solid waste treatment, and soil remediation technology in the petrochemical field. She has chaired or completed two major R&D for 13th Five-Year-Plan from National Ministry of Science and completed three “Ten Dragons” key projects from China Petrochemical Corporation. Her environmentally friendly and biodegradable chemicals research products have been applied in environmental protection areas like oil-contaminated soil and sludge with oil treatment area. She has successfully carried out the remediation of oil-contaminated soil in multiple retired well sites. It also expanded to typical petrochemical sites such as crude oil tank areas , production facilities areas and others. She has provided environmental technical support of green chemical technologies R&D such as HPPO, PAO, and caprolactam in Sinopec. She was solving environmental compliance challenges for project implementation and providing reliable support for the application of complete technologies. She has won one first prize for national scientific and technological progress awards. And she has more than 10 provincial, ministerial, and industry association science and technology awards. She holds more than 90 authorized invention patents and has published over 30 papers. She has been honored as an outstanding contributor by China Petrochemical Corporation.
  • Longpeng CUI Professor

    Anhui University of Science and Technology

    Longpeng CUI, PhD in Environmental Chemistry from University of Aberdeen, UK, Academic Vice Dean and Professor of School of Carbon Neutrality Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology. He has long been engaged in life cycle environmental impact assessment (EIA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) of fossil energy development and utilization, R&D of IPPC and BPS technology of industrial solid waste, mine ecological restoration,and research on “innovative model of collaborative efficiency enhancement for pollution and carbon reduction" and "industrial symbiosis practice cases" of "zero-waste coal-electricity-chemical base" and "zero-waste petrochemical base". He is currently an expert of chemicals and waste management think-tank of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, vice director of the Committee of Solid Waste and Soil Pollution Treatment of All-China Environment Federation, member of the Expert Committee of National Green Partnership of Industrial Park, and member of the Committee of Carbon Neutrality Science and Engineering of China Coal Society, etc.

Sub-forum schedule