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The 4th Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control of Industrial Solid and Hazardous Waste & Contaminated Site





In the context of the global practice of“Industrial Symbiosis” and and China's comprehensive promotion of the pilot construction of "zero-waste cities" and the construction of a "green, low-carbon, and circular economic development system", exploring the Eco-industrial Development (EID) model from the level of Industrial Enterprises(Group), Parks (Bases) and Cities (Regions) is a way to strive the coordinated implementation of "carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth". The symposium aims to provide a platform for technical exchange and academic discussion, promote and stimulate the collaborative innovation of "management, production,?education?, research and application", and vigorously promote the theoretical exploration, key technology research and application practice of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) in the whole life cycle production process, solid waste By-product Synergy (BPS), and management and control of contaminated sites , and is committed to building a market-oriented green technology innovation system and green production system, and explore the establishment of a collaborative efficiency innovation mode of green, low-carbon, circular economic, as well as the construction of comprehensive demonstration cases of accelerate?green,?carbon?reduction, resource circular utilization and intelligent high-quality development.

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