Product equipment promotion >>

Focus on creating product equipment, innovative technology, solutions, new materials promotion. Invite global experts, benchmark enterprises, association representatives, scientific research institutes to participate. We will strengthen cooperation between enterprises, support the commercialization of scientific research, and promote the adoption of technologies.

Project supply and demand connection >>

Provide a platform for cooperation and exchange between project supply and demand, and be a bridge and link between enterprises, governments, universities and institutions. Through project promotion, negotiation and other means, help boost the precise connection between innovation resources and industrial enterprises, promote project upgrading and create investment and financing opportunities.

Professional audience>>

Industry elites from the national industry, government agencies, scientific research institutes. More professional audience, more efficient way of communication, higher conversion rate of results.
  • parallel branch session
  • +

    super first-tier experts
  • +

    enterprise representatives
  • +

  • exhibitors
  • Municipal solid wastes disposal
  • Environment monitoring
  • Soil remediation
  • Sanitation equipment
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Academic journals
  • Municipal solid wastes disposal

    Hazardous waste treatment and disposal, medical waste treatment and disposal, industrial waste treatment and disposal, agricultural waste treatment and utilization equipment, solid waste integration solutions, etc
  • Environment monitoring

    Environmental pollution automatic control system and monitoring system, experimental equipment, solid waste testing equipment, environmental monitoring special instruments and meters
  • Soil remediation

    Soil remediation and sludge treatment, urban contaminated site remediation, mining and agricultural land remediation, oil contaminated soil remediation, sludge treatment, informal landfill comprehensive remediation and other solutions, equipment information display, engineering exhibition
  • Sanitation equipment

    Household garbage treatment, osmotic liquid treatment facilities, garbage sorting, garbage collection and transportation, kitchen waste disposal, smart dustbin
  • Carbon neutrality

    The promotion of carbon emission reduction, carbon capture, carbon conversion and carbon sequestration technologies
  • Academic journals

    Circular economy, Resources and environment, Pollution and prevention, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Environmental Protection and other academic journals

Four main activities, improve the quality of exhibition>>