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Control of pollutants from solid waste incineration





Solid waste incineration plays a crucial strategic role in alleviating the "surrounding cities with waste" dilemma. However, it is also significant sources of emissions of trace high-toxicity dioxins, conventional acidic gases such as NOx, SO2, HCl, and harmful metals like mercury. The emission standards for pollutants in solid waste incineration flue gas are becoming increasingly stringent both domestically and internationally. There is a growing urgency for the harmless, reduced, and resourceful treatment of fly ash and slag, as well as the identification of potential new pollutants. To achieve ultra-low emission and harmless treatment of pollutants during the incineration process and promote the green and sustainable development of the industry, the development of new pollutant identification technologies, the research and development of efficient pollution control technologies, and the promotion of their industrial application are imperative. This sub-forum focuses on the entire chain process of solid waste incineration treatment, including waste classification, source input, process control, identification of new pollutants, terminal catalysis, and harmless and resourceful treatment of fly ash and slag. It aims to explore the key challenges, advanced technologies, and management strategies in each link of governance, providing crucial technical support for the green and healthy development of the solid waste incineration industry.

Branch Session convenor profile

  • Guijin SU Professor

    Ecological and Environmental Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Guijin Su, Professor at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, doctoral supervisor. She has received the National Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize, Ninth), Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (Second Prize, First), Humboldt Research Fellowship from Germany, Lu Jiaxi Youth Talent Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress from the China Association for Instrumental Analysis (Third), and the Outstanding Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has continuously led several projects funded by the National Key R&D Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the 863 Program, and the Youth Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has published over 80 SCI papers in journals such as Appl. Catal. B: Environ., Environ. Sci. Technol., Anal. Chem., J. Hazard. Mater. and holds 13 authorized national patents. Her research focuses on the control principles and engineering applications of source reduction and end-catalytic technology for organic pollutants in solid waste incineration processes. Addressing national needs, she has developed source reduction technologies for dioxins based on waste component modulation, economical and efficient multi-pollutant cooperative catalytic disposal technologies, and core catalysts, revealing micro-catalytic principles, and achieving industrial applications of basic research.
  • Wenbin LIU Professor

    Ecological and Environmental Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Prof. Wenbin Liu, Vice Dean of the College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Tenured Professor of UCAS and Professor of Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS. Prof. Wenbin Liu’s research interests involve environmental analysis, generation mechanism and pollution control, and management countermeasures of new pollutants, which meet the needs of China’s fulfillment of the POPs convention and maintain the frontiers of environmental science research. Prof. Wenbin Liu has published more than 120 SCI papers in the field of environment, including 15 papers in Environmental Science & Technology, and many papers in Journal of Hazardous Material, Environmental Pollution, and other important journals, and has invented over 20 patents related to environmental analysis, environmental chemistry, etc. His achievements include mainly the following parts: (1) Li Pei Outstanding Teacher Award of UCAS; (2) One Second Class Prizes of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award; (3) Former Ministry of Environmental Protection, Second Prizes of Science and Technology Progress Award; (4) UNDP Outstanding Technical Support Award; (5) Outstanding Achievement Award in Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Wenbin Liu is the deputy director of the Dioxin Pollution Prevention and Control Committee of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association (CEPIA), a member of the Special Committee on Prevention and Control of Environmental Risks of Chemicals of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES), and a member of the Special Committee on POPs, etc.
  • Dong WANG Professor

    Shandong University

    Wang Dong, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shandong University. He has extensive research experience in the field of air pollution control chemistry, was selected into the 2023 "Top 2% of the World's Top Scientists" and won the gold medal at the 47th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. He has been in charge of the Regional Innovation and Development Joint Fund of the NSFC, the Young Scientist Project of National Key R&D Program, the General Program and Young Scientist Fund of the NSFC, the Outstanding Young Scientist Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, etc.; Meanwhile, He has been awarded the National Oversea Talent Recruitment Program, the leader of the Young Innovation Groups of Shandong Colleges and Universities, the Taishan Scholar Project, etc. He serves as a member of the Young Scientists Branch of the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, the director of the Shandong University-ZMD Joint Laboratory of Environmental Protection and New Energy, and an academic member of the National Synchrotron Light Source. He is also an editorial board member of Green Energy Res., and a young editorial board member of Chinese Chem. Lett. and Carbon Res.

Sub-forum schedule