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Carbon neutrality and Solid waste low carbon management





In September 2020, China announced that it will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This major strategic decision reflects careful consideration and has implications for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind. Resource efficiency and carbon reduction is one of the important ways to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, while solid waste resource utilization and low-carbon management are important fields. The sub-forum focuses on solid waste recycling and low-carbon management, and invites well-known scholars in related fields to jointly explore the interdisciplinary path of solid waste low-carbon management under the guidance of carbon neutrality. The aim is to provide a theoretical basis and scientific support for the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, quality improvement and efficiency improvement.

Branch Session convenor profile

  • Ru GUO Professor

    Tongji University

    Ru Guo is a professor and doctoral supervisor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University. She is vice president of Tongji-Chongming Institute of Carbon Neutrality. She graduated from the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University with a PhD degree. She is associate editor of Water-Energy Nexus, vice president of Shanghai Ecological Economy Society, member of Environmental Management Committee of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences and member of Carbon Dafeng Carbon neutral Professional Committee of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences. She was selected for Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program. She is mainly engaged in the field of carbon accounting and carbon reduction, green low-carbon and sustainable development research. She has published more than 60 academic papers and 5 monographs, and her papers have been selected as ESI highly cited papers.

Sub-forum schedule