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Low-carbon high-value conversion of plastic waste---innovation and practice





In recent years, the global plastic production scale has reached 400 million tons/year, and the economic scale of the plastic industry is comparable to that of the steel and cement sectors.. The large-scale production, consumption and waste of plastic products have exacerbated resource and environment problems caused by plastic waste posing increasingly prominent global challenges. It has been widely concerned by the international community and listed in a number of international conventions. The State Council of China issued the Guidance on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of a green, low-carbon and Circular Development Economic System in 2021, which points out that comprehensive recycling of resources is one of the important ways for China to establish a low-carbon and circular development system, and synergistic implementation the goal of carbon dioxide emission and carbon neutrality. In order to thoroughly implement the major strategic decision and deployment of The State Council on strengthening resource recycling and utilization, and accelerate the innovation and practice of depth, high-value and low-carbon transformation technology of plastic waste, this sub-conference aim to the topic on "Innovation and Practice of low-carbon and high-value transformation Technology of plastic Waste" . It is planned to invite well-known experts and scholars in the field of solid waste resource transformation. It aims to provide a full- exchange platform for management departments, scientific research institutions, enterprise representatives, etc., where we can share the latest policies, cutting-edge technology progress, typical engineering application practices in the field of plastic waste resource recycling and transformation. Its promote the rapid and healthy development of the low-carbon and high-value transformation industry of plastic waste in China and even in the world.

Sub-forum convenor profile

  • Furong XIU Professor

    Xi'an University of Science and Technology

    Furong Xiu is a professor/doctoral supervisor of Xi 'an University of Science and Technology. He received his doctorate degree in Environmental engineering from the Research Center of Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He was selected into the 2015 New Century Outstanding Talents Support Plan of Fujian Universities. His research mainly focuses on the pollution control of plastic waste, new principles and new technologies of resource conversion. He has presided over more than 20 scientific research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation projects, key projects of Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Department, Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation and Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation. He has published more than 50 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Waste Management, Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of The Total Environment、Chemosphere. 3 papers have been selected as highly cited papers in ESI database, and nearly 20 Chinese national invention patents have been authorized.

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